

  s l o w d o w n
write one by one
all together
b r e a t h e
lay your eyes on each other
make a bounty of SOUNDS
be guided and respond
there is always a path that opens
a breath that expands
a mystery that deepens
give yourself the gift of coming just as you are
to say
something or the other
in silence or movement or words
say yes to your own creativity
say yes to time out of time
place out of place
Step into a circle
made of humans
imagining ~ writing ~ moving
And know that
~however the journey goes~
there is a always a path that opens
a breath that expands...

saturday november 2 at 10 am us mountain time
a community creativity circle
(email and say yes to creativity. a zoom link will follow..)

yours in m y s t e r y
- s h e b a n a

Shebana Coelho


Instagram @shebanafaraway

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